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b-t_thBranham Tabernacle- Brother Branham first started preaching in a Baptist church where Dr. Roy Davis was the pastor [Bulletin Board-PDF: 3 pages]

den-jeff_thBrother Branham's Den in Jeffersonville [Bulletin Board-PDF: 1 page]

cave_thCave Area in Jeffersonville - Photos of the cave that Brother Branham would go to near Jeffersonville, Indiana

039_house_across_from_br_tab_thumbHome by Branham Tabernacle - Brother Branham's home across the street from Branham Tabernacle where he was living prior to meeting the angel of the Lord

ewing-lane_thEwing Lane - Jeffersonville, Indiana - Photos of Brother Branham's last home in Jeffersonville, Indiana

oh-river-bridge_thOhio River Bridge - George Rogers Clark Memorial Bridge (2nd Street Bridge) (US Highway 31) that crosses the Ohio River between Louisville, Kentucky and Jeffersonville, Indiana

Schimpff's Candy Store